Friday, 3 October 2008

Spinnaker Tower Model

For the live project we were given. I have chosen to make a scale model of the Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth. I haven't decided on the scale of the model as yet.
The Spinnaker Tower was built in Portsmouth Harbour celebrate the maritime history of Portsmouth.
I have contacted HGP architects the designers of the tower and asked for a copy of the plans. I spoke to Peter Warlow and he is currently sourcing them from their archives department. They will be sent as a PDF document. When i receive these plans which he said would take a few days, i will be able to decide on the scale i will use for the model.

I also contacted Portsmouth City Council to see if it was possible to aquire the plans from them. After speaking to them on the phone, i can only view them at the council.

Until the plans arrive I am gathering information and research about the Tower. I plan to visit the Tower early next week as it is only about an hours drive from the Arts Institute. This will be ideal as i can see the tower first hand and also take photos of the tower and surrounding area including buildings. I will take a trip up the tower as it will give me a good idea of how the tower was constructed.

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